1984 Honda VF750 “Sabre”
Not one of our usual projects but we are happy to work on anything when a customer requires the “new era” touch. On stripping the bike we found both chassis and engine issues so it was going to one of our more time consuming restorations. The engine outer cases were stripped off and painted or satin polished along with the crank cases and cylinders. The tolerances on the valve clearances etc were checked and with new gaskets and seals, it was rebuilt. A lot of the chassis parts were in good enough condition to re-use, although new taper headraces and a swing arm kit were fitted. Time was spent refurbishing the original fasteners and alongside powder coating, chromework and zinc plating the chassis was complete and be ready for another 30 years of use. Most of the perished rubber and worn consumable parts are still available, so with some new paint work on the petrol tank and panels, this classic jap bike was completed.